Minerva Temple 2014 A Quest 2 with Jobina Bardai and Maggie Cappelletti   2014 A Quest 1 with Südstern Collective   ©-Patrick-Beelaert-56 2013 U2 with Südstern Collective   (c) E. Puzzoli Fleur de cimetière The beast in me (c) E. Puzzoli Groll 2015 SP Bernd Kumar 1   temps-suspendu Linden sorrow ©-Patrick-Beelaert-32 Site Specific Trondheim 3   2013 24 Stunden Theater_Brotfabrik_Berlin Promoting Dance for a better world with Designed to die? together with Jo Bruhn 2014 Working on A Quest for Südstern Collective (c) Maggie Cappelletti 2015 (c) Louise Markise_2   ©-Patrick-Beelaert-107 A-a-A Site Specific Trondheim 2 Working with A L Agostini   Minerva Temple Site Specific Trondheim 1 (c) E. Puzzoli The beast in me(c) E. Puzzoli 2015 (c) Louise Markise 1 ©-Patrick-Beelaert-157 Our first flyer for Designed to die? 2015 Speak Out en Tournée   Linden sorrow Exploring the audience Requiem to a binary world (c) A Stach 2015 SP Ronald Spratte