about Aude Fondard _ a poet in motion

Aude trained in acting in France (Théâtre Universitaire de Strasbourg with Colette Weil)
and in London (City Lit and Caravanserai Production with Giles Foreman, 2005-2010)
and performed in classical and contemporary plays (in English and in German).

From 2011 on, they delved into the contemporary dance world with Stella Zannou,
Britta Pudelko and Rakesh Sukesh at Tanzfabrik, Berlin, and eventually joined
Atsushi Takenouchi’s Jinen Butoh School in Tuscany (2016-17).

Aude regularly attends Contact Improvisation festivals and intensives
(Katie Duck, Jules Beckmann, Daniel Werner, Elske Seidel, Anjelika Doniy and Kirstie Simson
influenced their attitude to dance) as well as butoh workshops
(with Minako Seki, Yumiko Yoshioka, Sachiko Ichikawa,
Anna Barth, Imre Thorman.)

When Aude is not performing or writing poetry, they facilitates
Contact Improvisation jams and classes, butoh-inspired dance journeys
and regular dance with nature sessions. They regularly collaborate with Jo Bruhn, Jennie Zimmermann.

As a poet and a translator, they are exploring topics as diverse as
planned obsolescence, sexualities
(from abuse to bliss), non-binary and feminist issues, the power of the unsaid and our human way of being-co-existing with our planet .

In 2020 Aude lauched Compagnie AMAKO!, a structure supporting poetic and multilingual dance projects.

In 2022, Aude joined Contact CompanI a German-French project celebrating the 50th anniversary of Contact improvisation impulsed by Angela-Mara Florant. Several weeks of residency enable the group the research and perform in Lisbon (April 2022) and Marseilles (November 2022, February 2023). The final performance occurred in November 2023, at Sprechwerk Hamburg.

In 2023, Aude is invited to join the organizing team of a festival dedicated to story-telling and poetry, occurring in Marseilles from May 2 to 14 Oh Ma Parole. A nice opportunity to share movement and poetry on the streets. They will continue in 2024. Come if you dare 🙂

Contact Aude or Oddinmotion

oddinmotion [at] lilo.org

Photo: Jennie Zimmermann